Senator Vivienne Poy is a Member of the Senate of Canada, Chancellor of the University of Toronto, Director of the Bank of East Asia (Canada), and Chairwoman of Lee Tak Wai Holdings Limited.
Senator Poy is an author, entrepreneur, fashion designer, historian, and also the first Canadian of Asian descent to be appointed to the Senate of Canada. As a Senator, she continues her family's long history of community involvement, and has spoken out for human rights around the world and promoted respect for others, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or religion. Her writing and academic work have focused on the history of the Chinese in Hong Kong and in Canada.
In recognition of the bridges she has built between Hong Kong and Canada, her contributions to Canadian society, as well as her commitment to championing human rights, multiculturalism and gender equality, the University has resolved to confer upon her the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa.