The record of every honorary graduate is a forceful reminder that the relationship between the University and the community is a real and continuing one and that the talent that is nurtured eventually finds its rightful expression in the society in which we live. It is fitting that we should remind ourselves of this in presenting Tseung Fat Im as the hundredth honorary graduate of this University.
He was educated at Queen’s College and the University of Hong Kong, where he took his degree in Medicine in 1925. After further studies in London and Vienna, he returned to establish his practice here. He has since devoted over forty years of his life in the service of the community and has shown himself to be an inspired leader and an indefatigable worker in the fields of social and medical welfare, and also that of education. He was a founder-member of the Hong Kong Anti-tuberculosis Association and Director of the Association in 1949; founder-member and Director of the Anti-Cancer Society since its inception until 1967. A past President of the Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association, he has also written its history from its beginning in 1921. His greatest single contribution in this direction is surely his successful fight to obtain the right of the Chinese Medical Association to issue its own certificates, thereby securing international recognition for the corporate activity of this most important sector of the community. A man devoted to his calling, who still maintains a large and busy practice, he has remained in touch with all levels of the people. He has given much of his time in support of the Po Leung Kuk and of the St John’s Ambulance Brigade, acting as its Commissioner from 1958 to 1963 and in which Order he was accorded the title of Knight in 1964.
The efforts which he has made to offer his services at all levels of the community are also evident in the field of education. In the higher realms of service, amongst other numerous activities, he has served as Chairman of the Chinese Colleges Joint Council which did much to bring about the establishment of our sister university; and he was also Chairman of the Board of Trustees of United College of which he was President during 1956 to 1959. For thirty-three years he has been a member of the Council of St Paul’s Co-educational College. In closer touch with the people, where much of his effort is apparent, he has founded schools for the poor and personally lectures three times weekly to young people on the principles of Taoism.
He was elected President of the University of Hong Kong Alumni Association in 1940 and has for long maintained his close connections with the University as a member of the Court and Council and as Chairman of the Convocation for two successive terms between 1962 and 1968.
In recognition of the work of one of our graduates which has become so closely and so successfully woven into the texture of our society, I respectfully request you to confer on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.
Citation written and delivered by Professor Leonard Kenneth Young, BA, DPHIL, the Public Orator of the University.