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Sir William PEEL

Doctor of Laws
honoris causa

The Vice-Chancellor Sir William Hornell, K.T., C.I.E., LL.D., M.A. (Oxford), wrote and delivered the following citation:

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen - On the 12th May, 1930, Sir William Peel became our Chancellor. The University was then facing - not for the first time - a financial crisis. We cried unto him in our trouble and he delivered is out of our distress. Nearly five years have passed - five years of development, albeit of disappointment - and now we learn with regret that this Congregation will in all human probability be his last.

As we look fearfully at the dark clouds which are looming over us, our regret grows deeper, our anxiety more poignant. But we know, that when, His Excellency retires, we shall have in London a wise friend who will plead our cause and help to roll away that miasma of prejudice and misunderstanding which has always darkened and is still darkening this University’s path. It is no formal compliment which we have just paid Your Excellency; it is the spontaneous expression of our profound gratitude.

We do not think that you will easily forget this University of which you are now a life member. Here your name will long be valued as one who, with rare foresight, ever looked beyond our many defects and the difficulties of the moment to the greater possibilities for service towards which every University must strive or perish.

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