The Vice-Chancellor Sir William Hornell, K.T., C.I.E., M.A. (Oxford), wrote and delivered the following citation:
Sir Reginald Edward Stubbs and I were schooled under the same ferule and in those days the scriptural maxim about the calamitous results of sparing the rod was apt to be interpreted more literally than they are now. “Is it true”, an agitated mother wrote in those brutal days, “that capital punishment is still in vogue at Tonbridge?” “Dear Madam,” Dr. Wood, the Headmaster replied, “I regret to say that capital punishment is not in vogue at Tonbridge. The punishment is purely corporal.”
Our late Governor won every scholarship and prize which Radley could offer and passed on to Oxford as an Exhibitioner of Corpus Christi College. He won a first class in the honours school of Classical Moderations and a first class in the final school of Literae Humaniores. He went into the Colonial Office in 1900 and rose rapidly. In 1913 he went to Ceylon as Colonial Secretary and in 1919 he came here as Governor. Of Sir Edward Stubbs’ career as Governor of Hong Kong I need not speak, but as one who knew him from his boyhood I cannot refrain from saying, that the amazing quickness and tenacity of his intellectual grasp which was my envy and despair while we were at school together, continued to excite my wonder and admiration during the 20 months that I worked with him as Chancellor of this University. In the hour of its direst need Sir Edward Stubbs saved this University; and in conferring on him the doctorate of the University, we are enrolling in our records not merely a faithful Chancellor and a distinguished Governor but a great intellect. I understand that Sir Edward Stubbs’ published works do not extend beyond the first volume of Lucas’ Historical Geography which he edited. But I have heard that he recorded from time to time in the files of the Hong Kong Government, utterances worthy of remembrance, if impossible of publication.
Citation written and delivered by Sir William Hornell, Vice-Chancellor.