





Many Chinese have been honoured by this University; but among them have been few from the academic walk of life, wherefore it is especially gratifying to present our latest graduand, Dr LI Choh Ming. Dr Li's record is a distinguished one: educated at the Universities of Nanking and California, he was Professor of Economics at Nankai, Southwest Associated, and the National Central Universities in China and then in turn, among other chairs; held those of Permanent Delegate of the Republic of China to the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East; Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Rehabilitation Affairs under the National Government of China and Professor of Business Administration and Director of the Centre for Chinese Studies at the University of California. But, Mr Chancellor, comity among Universities does not prescribe that one such institution should confer honours upon the head of another for academic qualifications alone. Something more is required, and in this case the something more is much indeed, for as the Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Professor has been largely responsible for the unusually early success of our complementary University. Not only in the matter of its administration has he been outstanding; largely to his personality is owed the excellent public relations and the relations with Government which that University enjoys, and without which, as any harassed Vice-Chancellor will tell you, and as many a Chancellor even knows too well, in these days of astronomical costs, an institution is doomed if not to failure, certainly to a much restricted expansion. As a money-rasier, our graduand has succeeded beyond the most optimistic expectations.

On this occasion it is fitting to record, too, Dr Li's valuable contribution to this University in connection with the Institute of Oriental Studies and our Golden Jubilee Symposium on Economic and Social Problems of the Far East, and also as a member of our Council.

Mr Chancellor, you are respectfully requested to confer upon Dr LI Choh Ming the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.

Citation written and delivered by Dr Leo D’Almada E Castro, CBE, QC, LLD, the Public Orator of the University.
