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212th virtual Congregation

Arrangement for the 212th virtual Congregation 

The Virtual session of the 212th Congregation will be held on June 11, 2024. For the collection arrangement of certificates for graduands, please refer to "Certificate" session of this website. 

Choosing an IN-PERSON or VIRTUAL session of the Congregation

Graduands who have completed their studies and are eligible for graduation in summer may choose to participate in the virtual session of the Congregation OR the in-person session, but they CANNOT attend both.

Those who have a genuine need for the early issuance of the graduation certificate (i.e. before the dates of the in-person congregation) should choose the virtual session.

Please be reminded again that for candidates who are not able to attend either the IN-PERSON or the VIRTUAL Congregation, they will be conferred the degrees in absentia at the IN-PERSON Congregation.

Graduands will receive email notification from their respective Faculties confirming their graduation and details on how to register for the virtual Congregation or the in-person Congregation in due course.