Honorary University Fellows

Citation for Professor Daniel Chan Kwong On delivered by Dr Frederick Leung, Dean of the Faculty of Science at the Honorary University Fellowships Presentation Ceremony on December 16, 2004:
Professor Daniel Chan Kwong On is a zoologist of international stature. He obtained his Bachelor of Science (General Honours) degree with First Class Honours from this University in 1962. As recipient of an Asian Foundation Scholarship, he obtained a Postgraduate Certificate on adioisotope Techniques from Ching Hua University, Taiwan, the following year. He obtained a Master of Science degree from HKU and then proceeded to the University of Sheffield on a Commonwealth Scholarship, receiving his Ph.D from Sheffield in 1967.
He joined the Department of Zoology of this University as a lecturer in the same year, becoming Chair Professor in 1979. He held the Chair of Zoology from 1989 to June 2004 and was Head of Department from 1989 to 2000. He was also Director of the Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre from 1990 until recently when he chose to step down. He retired in June of this year, after having served the University for over 35 years.
Professor Chan has made significant contributions to both the Department of Zoology and to the Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre. He engaged in a wide range of research which enhanced the reputation of the Department and, guided the Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre towards fulfilling its mission of conducting research into agricultural, horticultural, environmental science and related problems relevant to Hong Kong and the region. Not only did he contribute to a wide range of research conducted with grants from, among other sources of funding, the Research Grants Council and the Industry Support Fund, he also helped to establish close links and collaborative research with the local agricultural sector and various government departments.
Professor Chan has diverse research interests, including the development of the Kamei chicken, waste treatment technology, food science, physiology, biochemistry, endocrinology and scientific fish culture. His research output is prodigious and it would be futile, on this occasion, to try to list his projects and publications. He has received major external grants for research totaling in excess of HK$28m.
Professor Chan's research and scholarship have won him international recognition: he has served on the Council of many international committees and scientific societies, and as a member of international organizing committees of a large number of scientific conferences. This is in addition to his involvement in local committees and community service. He is also in demand as a consultant. His most recent consultancy study, started in 2003 and not to be completed until 2007, is an independent review on the effect of marine dredging phase II in Penny's Bay on mariculture activities in the Ma Wan and Cheung Sha Wan Fish Culture Zones, commissioned by the Civil Engineering Department.
I take great pleasure, Mr Pro-Chancellor, in recognition of his contributions to the University and to the community, especially to the agricultural sector, in presenting Professor Daniel Chan for the Honorary University Fellowship.