Honorary University Fellows

An excerpt from the Vice-Chancellor's Address delivered at the Honorary University Fellowships Presentation Ceremony on December 10, 1998:
Mr Edmund Tse Sze Wing received his Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in mathematics in 1960. He then went on to obtain Diplomas from the College of Insurance and the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University. A veteran of the insurance industry, with over 35 years of experience, Mr Tse is a leading personality in the industry. He is the President and Chief Executive Officer of American International Assurance, the largest life insurance company in Southeast Asia. AIA is in turn a member company of American International Group where Mr Tse serves as Vice Chairman (Life Insurance). He is the first Hong Kong Chinese to have attained this level of seniority in the American multinational. But Mr Tse is not only concerned with professional success. He is active in public and community service, particularly where his expertise is called for by the Hong Kong Government in reviewing important issues and legislation relating to the insurance industry. His other public services include serving as an elected member of the Selection Committee for the first Chief Executive and of the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR. As President of the AIA Foundation, he oversees the Foundation’s allocation of large amounts of money to a variety of programmes relating to education, community and medical institutions. His interest in community service and his belief in the value of education have recently brought him back to his alma mater; he has helped the University lay the groundwork for the establishment of an Institute of Mathematics as a centre of excellence. The University has also called upon his expertise in the insurance profession by appointing him as a Member of the Honorary Adviser Panel for the Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science Programme.