Honorary University Fellows

Citation delivered by Professor Paul TAM, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Mr David Tak Yeung Mong is the Vice Chairman of Shun Hing Group and the Chairman of the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund.
Mr Mong holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles and an MBA from Santa Clara University, California.
From 1985 to 1989, Mr Mong lived and worked in Japan, acquiring a command of the Japanese language, and learning first-hand about the Japanese management style, and their technology and manufacturing processes.
He joined Shun Hing Electronic Trading Co, Ltd as Executive Director in 1991, became Deputy Managing Director in 1994, and Managing Director in 2002.
Mr Mong has a great interest in supporting the education sector, and the University has benefitted from his counsel and leadership as a Member of its Court. As a Director of the HKU Foundation, he has offered forthright and invaluable advice to the University community. And the Prince Philip Dental Hospital has also had the benefit of his experience and expertise, as Mr Mong is a Member of its Board of Governors.
Our sister institutions have benefitted from the Mong family's support as well. Mr Mong is an Honorary Fellow of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Member of the Advisory Board of its Faculty of Engineering, and is a Member of the Honorary University Fellowship Committee of Hong Kong Baptist University.
Under Mr Mong's leadership, the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund has become a very active philanthropic enterprise and has contributed regularly and substantially to improving the well-being of diverse sectors of society.
It does so by contributing to projects that benefit education, medical services, sports, arts and culture, environmental protection and community services in Hong Kong, China and overseas.
This too is fitting, as Mr Mong himself has a wide-ranging interest and curiosity that some may find unusual in a business leader. He is a Council Member of the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, an aficionado of dance and music, and, ladies and gentlemen, he is also an accomplished competitive swimmer, with many awards under his belt, or rather, his swim cap! And may I add, without the aid of hi-tech swim suits!
Mr Mong is a Member of the Hospital Governing Committee of the MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Director of Jinan University, and a Fellow and Member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Management Association.
It gives me great pleasure, Mr Pro-Chancellor, to present Mr David Tak Yeung Mong for the Honorary University Fellowship, in recognition of his contributions to Hong Kong and academia.