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Honorary University Fellows

Mr David YU Kai Chiu
2014 Honorary University Fellow
Mr David YU Kai Chiu

Mr David Yu Kai Chiu is the Chairman of the Dor Fook Co. Ltd. He is also the Managing Director of Cheong Shing Investment Loan and Exchange Co. Ltd., which was established in 1870 in Hong Kong by his great grandfather. The company businesses have included shipping, transport and property.

Mr Yu has continued his family’s distinguished philanthropic tradition, and along with the HSBC Trustee, they manage the Yu Chun Keung Charitable Trust Fund bequeathed by his father, the late Yu Chun Keung.

The family’s support of HKU dates back to 1965 when it established its first scholarship, the Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship, to support students studying architecture. The trust later established the Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship for Master of Research in Medicine and the Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship for Medical Elective Travel in 2000.

When the Medical Faculty’s new campus on Sassoon Road opened in 2002, it was the Trust that made the Yu Chun Keung Medical Library possible. Since then, the Trust has continued to provide it with annual support, and cohort after cohort of medical students have benefitted from its world-class facilities. In 2013, the Yu Chun Keung Tam Shuk Yin Learning Centre was established in the Centennial Campus at HKU.

Mr Yu is Chairman of the Hong Kong Yue Clansman Association, was an Honorary Aide-de-camp to Governor Sir David Trench, and has served the community in person for 25 years in the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force, his last appointment being Superintendent of Police.


Citation delivered by Professor Paul TAM, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor

Mr David Yu Kai Chiu is the Chairman of the Dor Fook Co Ltd. He is also the Managing Director of Cheong Shing Investment Loan and Exchange Co Ltd, which was established in 1870 in Hong Kong by his great grandfather, Mr Yu To San (余道生). Mr Yu Senior was one of the founders of the Kowloon Motor Bus Company, and the company’s businesses have included shipping, transport and property.

Over the past century, the Yu Family has become widely respected for its distinguished philanthropic tradition. Mr Yu has continued this tradition, and along with the HSBC Trustee, they manage the Yu Chun Keung Charitable Trust Fund bequeathed by his father, the late Yu Chun Keung.

Those who know Mr Yu will tell you that he is a true gentleman in the best sense of the word. Refined, thoughtful and courteous to a fault, he is the embodiment of the expression “class will out”, and a reminder of why his family is so widely respected.

Indeed, the Yu family and its Trust are household names when it comes to support for education and welfare in Hong Kong, helping to build it to the modern city of today.

For decades, generations of secondary students have graduated from the Yu Chun Keung Memorial College, the Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No. 2, and the Yu To Sang Memorial Secondary School. There is also the Yu Chun Keung Memorial Care and Attention Home, and the Yu Family annually visits its residents during Chinese New Year.

The family’s support of HKU dates back to 1965 when it established its first scholarship, the Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship, to support students studying architecture.

The Trust later established the Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship for Master of Research in Medicine, and the Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship for Medical Elective Travel in 2000.

When the Medical Faculty’s new campus on Sassoon Road opened in 2002, it was the Trust that made the Yu Chun Keung Medical Library possible.

Since then, the Trust has continued to provide it with annual support, and cohort after cohort of medical students have benefitted from its world-class facilities.

As a Professor in Pediatric Surgery, I have to declare interest that my students and I are direct beneficiaries of the Medical Library.

In 2013, the Yu Chun Keung Tam Shuk Yin Learning Centre was established in the Centennial Campus at HKU.

Mr Yu is Chairman of the Hong Kong Yue Clansman Association, was an Honorary Aide-de-camp to Governor Sir David Trench, and has served the community in person for 25 years in the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force, his last appointment being Superintendent of Police.

Mr President, it gives me great pleasure, to present Mr David Yu for the Honorary University Fellowship, in recognition of his contributions to Hong Kong and academia.
