Honorary University Fellows

Citation for Mr Darwin Chen delivered by Dr M R Martin, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the Honorary University Fellowships presentation ceremony on December 13, 2001:
For almost 40 years Mr Darwin Chen has been active in promoting culture and the arts in Hong Kong. He has enjoyed a most distinguished 32 year career as a senior government officer, where he focused on cultural services and general administration. He has served as manager of City Hall, Director of Cultural Services, Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing, Deputy Secretary of Constitutional Affairs, Commissioner for Labour and Director of Buildings and Lands.
During his term of office as manager of City Hall, and later as Director of Cultural Services of the then Urban Services Department, he was responsible for several initiatives in promoting performing art, including the establishment of several performing companies such as the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the Hong Kong Dance Company and the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre.
His efforts culminated in the formulation of a three-pronged government policy for the provision of arts facilities in all parts of Hong Kong and the New Territories; the establishment of professional companies to perform at these venues; and the cultivation of a broad-based audience.
Mr Chen was also actively involved in the establishment of the Academy of Performing Arts, serving as a member of its Planning Committee. His efforts have earned him many honours, including the Companion of the Imperial Service Order, in 1990, and an Honorary Fellowship of the Academy of Performing Arts.
As an alumnus of HKU, Mr Chen has shown enormous loyalty to his alma mater. For more than 20 years he has been involved with the School of Professional and Continuing Education, and its predecessor the Department of Extra Mural Studies. Last year he was appointed Chairman of the HKU SPACE Management Board.
It gives me very great pleasure, Mr Pro-Chancellor, to present Mr Darwin Chen for the Honorary University Fellowship in recognition of his contribution to Hong Kong and the University.