Honorary University Fellows

Citation for Mr Anthony Tsui delivered by Professor C L W Chan, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Honorary University Fellowships Presentation Ceremony on December 12, 2000:
Mr Anthony Tsui has been associated for the past 23 years with Convocation, which is the official body of the University for all its graduates, exemplifying a tradition of bring the community closer to their alma mater through graduates\' catalytic involvement.
His devotion to the cause of alumni development of the University dated to 1977 when he started serving as Secretary to Convocation. He was elected to full membership on the Standing Committee of Convocation in 1981, then became Clerk of Convocation from 1993 to 1999. He was also Court Member of the University from 1985 to 1999.
Mr Tsui graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree in 1970 and pursued further studies in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Anthony Tsui is now perhaps better known in the scientific community of Hong Kong as the Director of the Croucher Foundation, a private body specialising in financial support for projects and activities to promote scientific standards in Hong Kong. He is particularly keen to develop scientific relationships between Hong Kong and leading scientific countries, thereby increasing exposure and competitive strength of scientists in Hong Kong.
He is actively involved in educational and cultural developments in Hong Kong. A lectureship in mass communications at a sister institution has enabled him to produce a crop of students who now visibly occupy key positions in the media industry. As formerly a university administrator for over 15 years, he has been invited to serve as consultant on specific issues for different universities.
He was appointed by the Chief Executive as a member of the Arts Development Council in 1998, and he is an elected Executive Committee Member of the Conference of Asian Foundations and Organisations, a body which organises financial support for private philanthropies in regional projects of common interest.
It gives me great pleasure, Mr Pro-Chancellor, to present Mr Anthony Tsui for the Honorary University Fellowship in recognition of his vast contributions to the University and to the community at large.