Honorary University Fellows

Citation delivered by Professor Shew Ping CHOW, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Dr Wilson Kin Lae Wong is a renowned businessman, educationalist and philanthropist.
Dr Wong received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from McGill University in 1959.
He first worked with Union Carbide in America, and then returned to Hong Kong and taught textile manufacturing and dyeing at the then Hong Kong Polytechnic.
In 1964, Dr Wong entered the manufacturing business when he co-founded Raymond Industrial Limited.
At first, the business thrived in making toys for export to the West. Dr Wong recalled, for example, that there was a time when they received many orders for an action toy in military fatigues called “G I Joe”, until the beginning of Vietnam War when orders for G I Joe, not surprisingly, dwindled.
Eventually, Dr Wong changed the direction of the business to home appliances, which grew to become an extremely successful and respected enterprise.
Dr Wong’s business has also reflected his ongoing fascination with innovation and invention. Over the years, he has collaborated with a wide range of brands, including Remington razor, Phillips, and even Johnny Walker and Guinness!
As early as the 1960s when he was a lecturer, and later on when his business was growing, Dr Wong never lost sight of the importance of supporting the community and the education sector.
He has made major contributions to the development of education and health services both in China and abroad.
Educational institutions throughout the Mainland and Hong Kong, including HKU, have benefited from Dr Wong’s support.
For example, in the 1980s, he collaborated with other members of the Hong Kong business community to build up the Wuyi University in Jiangmen, Guangdong.
Dr Wong is an Honorary Patron of the HKU Foundation and, together with his brother Dr Philip KH Wong, has established two Endowed Professorships at this University: in Electrical Engineering in 2005, and in Chemistry and Energy in 2009.
His dedication to education is recognised around the world and has resulted in many honours being bestowed on him.
These include an honorary doctorate from McGill University in 1998, and in 2004, l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (the Order of Arts and Letters), one of the highest decorations awarded by the French Government.
It gives me great pleasure, Mr Pro-Chancellor, to present Dr Wilson Kin Lae Wong for the Honorary University Fellowship, in recognition of his contributions to Hong Kong and academia.