Honorary University Fellows

Citation for Dr John Strickland delivered by Professor R Y C Wong, Director of School of Business at the Honorary University Fellowships Presentation Ceremony on December 12, 2000:
Dr John Strickland spent most of his working career with HSBC in Hong Kong, being responsible for the HSBC Group's Information Technology from 1971 to 1995, Prior to that he worked for both IBM in the UK and Control Data in the USA.
When he began his career in 1963, most members of the general public had very little knowledge of the computer. When he retired as Chairman of Hong Kong Bank 35 years later the words information technology were on the lips of almost every man, woman and child in the industrialised world.
Dr Strickland was one of an army of men who helped make the computer a household word. His expertise helped build the computer network at HSBC, making it one of the most orderly and extensive banking systems in the world.
Born in the United Kingdom, in 1939, Dr Strickland read Physics at Jesus College, Cambridge where he gained a master degree. His education there instilled in him a strong sense of community service and he has continued to play a strong role in the community of Hong Kong over the last three decades. We are honoured to count him amongst our Council members, an Honorary Professor and Board Member of our School of Business and a former member of our Financed Committee. He is also Chairman of the Trustees of the HKU Staff Retirement Benefit Schemes.
Presently he is a director of the Airport Authority Hong Kong and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. He is President of the Outward Bound Trust, Chairman of the Salvation Army Advisory Board, and a member of the boards of the Community Chest, the Boys and Girls Clubs Association, the Youth Hostel Association, the Antiquities Advisory Board and the Asia Society. He has honorary doctorates awarded by City University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has honorary fellowships awarded by the Hong Kong Computer Society, the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers and the Hong Kong Management Association.
Mr Pro-Chancellor in honour of Dr John Strickland's service to the community and to the University of Hong Kong, in particular, I present him for an Honorary University Fellowship.