Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine - Postgraduate 2010-2011
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Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
- Master of Chinese Medicine (MChinMed)
- Master of Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture and Moxibustion (MChinMed[Acup&Mox])
- Master of Medical Sciences (MMedSc)
- Master of Nursing (MNurs)
- Master of Public Health (MPH)
- Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med])
- Master of Science in Chinese Medicines (MScChinMeds)
- Doctor of Nursing (DNurs)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology (PCMDPath)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (PCPH)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Adolescent Health (PDipCAH)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Community Geriatrics (PDipCommunityGeriatrics)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Community Psychological Medicine (PDipComPsychMed)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Diagnosis and Therapeutics in Internal Medicine (PDipIntMed&Therapeutic)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases (PDipID)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology (PDipMDPath)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (PDipPH)