The University of Hong Kong

Media Contact Directory

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention 香港賽馬會防止自殺研究中心

Contact Information

  • 2831 5232
  • 2549 7161
  • The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention is committed to generating, disseminating and applying its specialised knowledge and skills toward suicide prevention through research, training and resource development. The Centre also initiates effective suicide prevention measures as well as building evidence-based local working models through practitioner-researcher collaborations. Staff members at this facility ultimately seek to formulate the most effective social and public health policies to deal with the problem of suicide. More information can be obtained from website: As for knowledge exchange, an e-magazine named Mindmap ( is launched to the public to receive latest mental health information online.
    香港大學社會科學學院香港賽馬會防止自殺研究中心一直進行嚴謹的科學研究,了解自殺成因,提高大眾對自殺問題的認知,並提出有效的防止自殺措施,為防止自殺的公共健康政策提出意見。中心透過與前線專業人員合作,為具自殺傾向、企圖自殺及自殺者家屬,進行分析及研究。中心亦為前線專業人員舉辦工作坊、資源發放及培訓,以傳授技術及知識。網頁: 本中心亦對於知識交流有所關注,製作名為MINDMAP的電子雜誌 (,向公眾推供最新網上心理健康資訊。

Contact Person

Name & Title Area of Expertise Tel no. / Email / Language
Professor Yip, Paul S.F.
Director (總監)
  • Suicide research and its prevention
  • Population policy
Tel: 2831 5190
Fax: 2549 7161
Written: Chinese, English (中文、英文)
Spoken: English, Cantonese (英語、粵語)
Last updated on 13/09/2022, by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention