
University Museum and Art Gallery 香港大學美術博物館


  • 2241 5500
  • 2546 9659
  • museum@hku.hk
  • http://www.umag.hku.hk
  • The University Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Hong Kong sits on Bonham Road, adjacent to the East gate of the University of Hong Kong. As part of the University, it is located on the lower (northern) section of the campus, with a base elevation around that of the nearby Main Building. There are two entrances to the museum. The original entrance faces north to Bonham Road, and is accessed via a large staircase (original) or via a footpath from the east gate (added in 1987). A second entrance, which also serves for handicap access, was added in 2013 via a lift and footbridge connecting the adjacent T.T. Tsui Building. On 16 November 2018, the Fung Ping Shan Building (exterior only) was designated a Declared Monument by the Hong Kong Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53)—a declaration which enables the Antiquities Authority to prevent alterations or to impose conditions of alterations based on their expertise in order to protect the monument. Vision The University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) aspires to generate artistic and cultural experiences that are accessible to people in all walks of life. We seek to encourage greater appreciation of the arts and to nurture a stronger sense of cultural values within the Hong Kong community. UMAG strives to use its permanent collection and temporary exhibitions to accomplish scholarly projects in accord with various departments and curricula from across the University. Mission UMAG's mission is to educate Hong Kong University students and the general public, through art-historical research and teaching, by displaying and interpreting its permanent collection, and presenting noteworthy temporary exhibitions. UMAG is dedicated to educating our diverse local, regional and international audiences about the past and present of Chinese and other cultures, and to inspiring life-long learning through both formal and informal education. The Museum is committed to fulfilling its mission by: - providing access to its collections and services for the teaching, study and research of Chinese art and culture; - developing its existing collections, organizing programmes to meet the needs of the University and the community, and providing a platform for international cultural exchange; - maintaining a high standard of exhibitions and educational activities; - training students in museum studies and offering internship and fellowship programs to young scholars; - stimulating public awareness and disseminating knowledge of traditional, modern and contemporary art to enrich the educational, cultural and artistic communities regionally, nationally and internationally; - conducting and publishing research on collections and related materials and topics; - fostering relationships with artists, collectors, museum professionals and interested organizations to enhance its collections, exhibitions and educational activities; - achieving a position of leadership for the promotion of art education in Hong Kong. Opening hours: Tue to Sat 9:30 am-6 pm, Sun 1:00-6:00 pm Closed on Mondays, University and Public Holidays Free Admission | Open to the public
    香港大學美術博物館座落於般咸道香港大學東閘入口旁,沿著山腰加高興建,屬於校園下半北部。旁為香港大學本部大樓。 馮平山樓分別有兩個入口。原先的入口北向般咸道,可沿東閘的大樓梯進入,或從旁邊的步道而上(於1987年加建)。徐展堂樓入口則為博物館的無障礙通道,此入口連接至2013年加建的一道室内天橋和一台升降機,以通往馮平山樓及徐展堂樓。 般咸道大學東閘入口旁的馮平山樓,以及徐展堂樓底下三層。徐展堂樓展廳由徐展堂博士贊助建築經費,於一九九六年十一月正式開放,兩座建築物之間有橋相通,將展廳連貫一起。 2018年11月16日,香港古物諮詢辦事處宣佈將馮平山樓建築外圍、儀禮堂和梅堂列爲法定古蹟,適用於《古物及古蹟條例》第53章──古物事務監督可阻止對古蹟作任何改動,或酌情規定改動時必須遵守的條件,以便保護有關古蹟。 抱負 香港大學美術博物館致力為各界人士發掘不同的藝術文化體驗,提高香港社會的藝術審美能力和文化修養,使博物館館藏的常設展和時限性的專題展能為大學各部門和教學課程服務。 使命 香港大學美術博物館的使命,是透過文史研究、教學計劃、陳列館藏和策展活動,向香港大學學生及普羅大眾達成教育目標。此外,博物館也為本地各族及國際人士進行古今中外文化藝術的審美教育,並藉常規及非常規教育,來推動終生學習風氣。博物館將循下列途徑達成使命: - 為中國藝術文化的教學研究提供館藏與服務 - 擴充現有館藏規模,組織符合大學和社會需求的活動,為國際文化交流提供平台 - 舉辦高水準的藝術展覽和教育活動 - 向學生教授博物館學,並為年輕學者提供實習和研究機會 - 傳播古今藝術知識,刺激公眾社會的藝術、文化和教育意識 - 組織並出版關於館藏或相關題材之研究 - 積極聯繫藝術家、收藏家、博物館從業人員以及熱心文博事業的機構,去開拓藏品、展覽和教育活動 - 成為香港推動藝術教育的領導角色 開放時間: 星期二至六,上午9時30分至下午6時 星期日下午1時至6時 星期一、大學及公衆假期休息 免費入場,歡迎所有人士參觀


  • Director (總監)

    Dr Knothe, Florian (羅諾德)

    2241 5501
    2546 9659
    English, French, German (英文、法文、德文)
    English, German, French (英語、德語、法語)
  • Curator (Education) (館長(教育))

    Ms Cheung, Elena (張寶儀)

    2241 5512
    2546 9659
    English, Chinese (英文、中文)
    English, Cantonese, Putonghua, French (英語、粵語、普通話、法語)
  • Senior Curatorial Assistant (高級策展助理)

    Ms Yu, Claudia

    2241 5509
    2546 9659
    English, Chinese, French (英文、中文、法文)
    English, Cantonese, Putonghua, French (英語、粵語、普通話、法語)