
黃漢森教授是世界知名的納米科技專家,精於納米技術、納米電子學及半導體技術,現任史丹福大學工程學院Willard R. and Inez Kerr Bell 講座教授。
他於2004年加入史丹福大學擔任電機工程教授。1988至2004年間,曾在IBM TJ 屈臣研究中心工作,專責產品生產技術的前期研究。2018至2020年間,他暫時離開史丹福大學,並在全球最大的半導體公司台積電(TSMC)出任副總經理,負責技術研究。自2020年起成為該公司的首席科學家,負責諮詢顧問工作。
黃教授的研究主要著眼於如何將科學上的新發現轉化為實用技術。他是美國電子電機工程師學會院士,並獲該會的電子元件學會頒發最高榮譽的J J Ebers 獎,以表揚他對電子元件的貢獻。他同時亦獲Andrew S. Grove獎,肯定了他在半導體裝置技術上的傑出成就。
他曾在香港科技大學、北京大學、中國科學院及國立交通大學 (今國立陽明交通大學 )擔任客席及名譽教授,亦是香港理工大學應用物理學系納米電子學客席講座教授,以及法國納米科學基金會客席卓越教授。
Citation delivered by Professor David SROLOVITZ, Dean of Engineering
Professor Philip Wong Hon Sum is world-renowned as a distinguished expert in nanotechnology, nanoelectronics and semiconductor technology, and is the Willard R and Inez Kerr Bell Professor in the School of Engineering at Stanford University.
Professor Wong holds a Bachelor of Science Honours degree from the University of Hong Kong, a Master of Science from the State University of New York, Stony Brook, and a PhD from Lehigh University. In 2012, he was conferred an Honorary Doctorate from the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, France.
He joined Stanford University as Professor of Electrical Engineering in 2004. At the IBM T J Watson Research Center from 1988 to 2004, he conducted early research that led to new product technologies. He served as Vice President of Corporate Research at TSMC, the largest semiconductor foundry in the world, from 2018 to 2020, and was appointed its Chief Scientist in 2020.
Professor Wong’s research translates discoveries in science into practical technologies. His works have contributed to advancements in nanoscale science and technology, semiconductor technology, solid-state devices, and electronic imaging. His present research covers a broad range of topics including carbon electronics, 2D layered materials, wireless implantable biosensors, directed self-assembly, device modelling, brain-inspired computing, non-volatile memory, and 3D system integration.
Professor Wong is a Fellow of the IEEE, and in 2019, he received the J J Ebers Award, the IEEE Electron Devices Society’s highest honour in recognition of outstanding technical contributions to the field of electron devices that have made a lasting impact.
He has held visiting or honorary professorships at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Peking University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Chiao Tung University, and was visiting Chair Professor of Nanoelectronics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and visiting Chair of Excellence of the Nanosciences Foundation (France).
While Professor Wong’s scholarly reputation is undeniably stellar and certainly global in reach, in his heart, there remains a deep bond with his alma mater, the University of Hong Kong.
Indeed, Professor Wong is a loyal alumni leader and a tireless global advocate of the University, championing our students and the work of our academics. He has helped HKU colleagues develop research teams, and
created for them collaborative opportunities for entrepreneurship, innovation and discovery around the world.
And he is always the generous and gracious host when an HKU delegation crosses the Pacific for an official visit.
He is a Board Member of the Friends of the University of Hong Kong Limited, which facilitates support and donations to HKU from the United States, and – time and again – our senior leadership has relied on him to connect the University with alumni and friends across America.
Therefore, Mr Pro-Chancellor, it is my great pleasure to present Professor Philip Wong Hon Sum for the Honorary University Fellowship, in recognition of his contributions to Hong Kong and academia.