
Jill Gallie女士對香港的高等教育貢獻良多,其無私樂助精神備受稱崇。
Citation delivered by Professor CS LAU, Dean of Medicine
When I was asked to deliver a citation for Mrs Jill Gallie at this evening’s event, I felt both honoured and a little stumped. For how was I to describe the unique qualities of this amazing lady?
Mrs Jill Gallie is an exceptional individual who has turned altruistic endeavours into an art form. She was born and bred in Hong Kong and like a true Hongkonger – Jill speaks the local dialect with impeccable fluency. You can often find her at Wanchai Market on Saturday mornings bantering in fluent Cantonese with the locals who affectionately call her - 四小姐!
Born into a distinguished family with a long tradition of community service and philanthropy, Jill has not only carried on this tradition but has added her special brand of philanthropy to enrich the lives of others, particularly the young. Her family has strong ties with our university and has always supported our development and growth. Her grandfather, Sir Robert Kotewall and aunt, Dr Bobby Kotewall, were both Honorary Graduates of HKU. Her mother, Madam Helen Kotewall, was made an Honorary University Fellow in 2006. And her father, Mr Francis Zimmern was an alumnus of HKU and a Morrisonian.
Jill signed up to be a Mentor in 2003 and has served as Honorary Director of the HKU Mentorship Scheme for nearly a decade. She has tirelessly advocated the Scheme and unreservedly brought into play her extensive connections to pair up 500 HKU students annually with mentors from all walks of life. As one mentee so succinctly put it:-
“HKU Mentorship has been an amazing experience. My mentor Jill is very caring, generous and intelligent. She has not just been a mentor in terms of my professional development, but she has also been like a mother in Hong Kong to me. I have benefitted in so many ways.”
In fact, one Christmas, back in 2017, she roped in family and friends to help her host a party in her own home to a large group of international mentees because she did not want them to spend Christmas alone in a foreign city. That is how warm-hearted Jill is.
This mentorship scheme is an invaluable part of our students lives and offers them the support they need to succeed academically and personally. Furthermore, these encounters are life-changing and often lead to lifelong friendships.
Jill’s nurturing spirit is also manifested in her role on the Governance Committee of the Jockey Club Student Village III to ensure students are well looked after during their residence. Earlier this year, amidst the prolonged battle against COVID-19 in Hong Kong, on learning that our medical students were being urgently drafted to serve in Community Isolation Centres, she lost no time in donating a considerable sum to support our students’ engagement in this worthy cause.
Following the footsteps of her family who has generously supported the University with four Kotewall and Zimmern Endowed Professorships, Jill established the Helen and Francis Zimmern Professorship in Population Health in 2018, in honour of her beloved parents. She has also supported medical research across a variety of specialisations including cardiology, orthopaedics and traumatology, and epidemiology and biostatistics.
And as we speak, Mrs Gallie continues her quest to honour the legacy of the two sides of her family whose members have made enormous contributions to the growth of the University and the well-being of the city.
Therefore, Mr Pro-Chancellor, it is my great pleasure to present Mrs Jill Gallie, 四小姐, for the Honorary University Fellowship, in recognition of her contributions to Hong Kong and academia.