
Buildings and open spaces are strategically sited and oriented to capture the natural light, heat, breeze and storm water and to reduce the use of energy, as part of an overall environmentally sound design. Renewable energy devices will also be installed. The choice of building materials takes account of durability and long-term maintenance issues.

Landscaped and natural features are reinforced while the layout of access points encourages a car-free campus.

The following features have been adopted in Centennial Campus:

  1. Grey water recycling system
  2. Wind turbine
  3. PV panel
  4. Environmental display monitoring system
  5. Chilled water storage system
  6. Displacement AC design
  7. Lift Regenerative Power
  8. Food digester
  9. Night Air Purging
  10. Rainwater recycling system
  11. Efficient A/C (Rotary heat wheel, Heat pump, low noise/ energy chiller, etc.)
  12. Use of Environmental Material (No VOC, FSC wood, etc.)
  13. Low energy LED lighting
  14. Energy Efficient Façade
  15. Dual flush sensors for all WC
