40 4 1 The University Profile The Review 2019 Research Fund Source HK$ (in Million) % 2018–19 2017–18 2018–19 2017–18 Block Grant from University Grants Committee 2,350.0 2,261.3 65.0% 64.3% Research Grants Council / University Grants Committee 366.8 273.8 10.1% 7.8% Other External Sources* 769.0 737.1 21.3% 20.9% Income from Research-related Endowment Funds 131.0 246.6 3.6% 7.0% Total Research Funding 3,616.9 3,518.9 100% 100% # Multiple types refer to the patent granted which covers more than 1 of those types specified. Broad Disciplinary Area Research Grants Projects Research Contract Projects All No. of Projects Value (in HK$ M) No. of Projects Value (in HK$ M) No. of Projects Value (in HK$ M) 2018–19 2017–18 2018–19 2017–18 2018–19 2017–18 2018–19 2017–18 2018–19 2017–18 2018–19 2017–18 Biology and Medicine 3,097 3,036 5,839.4 5,318.3 284 275 1,199.9 1,061.0 3,380 3,311 7,039.3 6,379.3 Engineering 709 677 770.2 683.3 114 106 143.2 124.0 823 783 913.5 807.4 Humanities, Social Sciences and Business Studies 1,290 1,254 1,531.2 1,324.6 187 185 477.0 459.9 1,478 1,439 2,008.1 1,784.6 Physical Sciences 473 434 654.8 594.3 26 20 50.5 44.2 499 454 705.2 638.5 All Disciplines 5,569 5,401 8,795.5 7,920.6 611 586 1,870.6 1,689.2 6,180 5,987 10,666.1 9,609.8 Research Projects (Ongoing and New) Cumulative Number of Patents Granted (since 1998 and up to June 2018): 608 118 188 Multiple# Human Necessities Research Funding Type Number Total Library Seats 3,190 Group Discussion Rooms 54 Single Study Carrels / Rooms for Postgraduate Students Main Library 60 Law Library 38 Medical Library 35 24 Hours Library Seats for All 262 Computer Workstations 480 Wireless Network Access Points 189 Postgraduate Library Workshops 185 Information and Referral Service 58,435 Reference Transactions * Includes the following fund sources: government, private, industry and HKU Foundation. 4 Fixed Constructions 72 Electricity 53 Physics 9 Mechanical Engineering, Lighting, Heating, Weapons, Blasting 140 Chemistry, Metallurgy 24 Performing Operations, Transporting Library Resources Student Learning Support Resources / Services Number of Bound Volumes in Main and Specialist Libraries: 3,107,298 E-resources E-books 6,903,546 Main Library 1,616,809 Computer Files (Excluding E-video and E-audio) 16,515 E-journals (Subscriptions) 248,736 E-video 96,362 E-audio 171,111 E-journals (Titles) 201,074 Databases 930 Total Number of Registered Library Users 122,757 Fung Ping Shan Library 1,002,244 Medical Library 222,797 Law Library 145,797 Education Library 31,120 Dental Library 52,796 Music Library 35,735