The Review 2017
RESEARCH AND INNOVATION HKU has been the top recipient of the Research Grants Council’s General Research Fund for 14 of the past 15 years, receiving $138.155 million in the latest round, and was a major recipient of the TRS, AoE and other awards in 2016–17. Other funding sources included government, industry, charity organisations, and other local and non-local sources. In addition to these figures, HKU received $126.4 million for new contract research projects including for government and industry. $448.4 million for new RGC Competitive Research Grant Projects + $548.6 million from other sources HKU’s largest single donation ever, received from the Hong Kong Jockey Club to fund new research and clinical facilities for targeted and precision medicine at Grantham Hospital, to be managed by the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. $1.244 billion 118 HKU scientists are among the top 1% in their fields based on the number of citations of their publications, according to Clarivate Analytics (as of April 2017). 118 world-ranking scientists With partners on all five continents. 2,400+ ongoing research collaborations At the Forefront in Bird Flu Research A team led by Professor Chen Honglin of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine identified a mutation in the H7N9 avian influenza virus that increases its ability to infect humans. Currently, about one-third of people infected with H7N9 die. The discovery provides a new biomarker for surveillance and drug development. 22 | 23
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