The Review 2016

The University of Hong Kong Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income The University of Hong Kong Consolidated Statement of Financial Position For the year ended June 30, 2016 As at June 30, 2016 (Expressed in thousands of Hong Kong dollars) 2016 2015 Restated Revenue Government Subventions 4,920,864 4,456,845 Tuition, Programmes and Other Fees 2,672,625 2,584,004 Donations and Benefactions 599,586 804,397 Auxiliary Services 325,359 312,090 Interest and Investment (Loss)/Gain (638,077) 669,292 Other Income 742,447 702,768 8,622,804 9,529,396 Expenditure Teaching, Learning and Research Teaching and Research 5,582,487 5,217,634 Library 218,269 207,264 Central Computing Facilities 195,544 188,855 Other Academic Services 312,673 291,891 Institutional Support Management and General 559,335 543,532 Premises and Related Expenses 1,140,801 1,091,061 Student and General Education Services 414,780 380,189 Other Activities 314,242 307,501 8,738,131 8,227,927 (Deficit)/Surplus for the Year before Share of Joint Ventures and Associates (115,327) 1,301,469 Share of Surplus of Joint Ventures 13,613 58,753 Share of Surplus of Associates 2,376 - Loss on Disposal of a Joint Venture (1,568) - (Deficit)/Surplus for the Year (100,906) 1,360,222 Other Comprehensive (Loss)/Income Items that may be recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Exchange Differences (7,355) 226 Share of Changes in Fair Value of Available-for-Sale Financial Assets of a Joint Venture (10) 260 Items that will not be recognised subsequently in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Re-measurement of Defined Benefit Retirement Scheme assets (5,176) 1,000 (12,541) 1,486 Total Comprehensive (Loss)/Income for the Year (113,447) 1,361,708 Attributable to: UGC Funds 292,923 356,634 Restricted Funds (414,418) (65,393) Other Funds 8,048 1,070,467 (113,447) 1,361,708 (Expressed in thousands of Hong Kong dollars) 2016 2015 Restated Assets Non-Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment 8,937,967 9,140,640 Intangible Assets 34,084 38,840 Interest in Associates 3,114 738 Interest in Joint Ventures 215,843 211,191 Available-for-Sale Financial Assets 1,393 1,393 Held-to-Maturity Investments 1,009,917 1,213,240 Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 9,064,741 11,279,572 Loans Receivable 4,588 4,716 Accounts Receivable and Prepayments 492,542 308,605 Defined Benefit Retirement Scheme Assets 3,136 9,388 19,767,325 22,208,323 Current Assets Assets Classified as Held for Sale 1,548 - Held-to-Maturity Investments 268,141 197,668 Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 510,941 657,980 Loans Receivable 175,822 175,986 Inventories 7,666 4,626 Accounts Receivable and Prepayments 652,714 616,097 Amounts Due from Joint Ventures 1,852 6,686 Bank Deposits with Original Maturity over Three Months 7,398,077 3,573,653 Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,131,598 2,404,658 10,148,359 7,637,354 Total Assets 29,915,684 29,845,677 Funds UGC Funds 2,309,335 2,340,589 Restricted Funds 7,847,915 7,878,666 Other Funds 12,248,173 12,299,615 Total Funds 22,405,423 22,518,870 Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accruals 8,328 6,337 Employee Benefit Accruals 113,733 120,598 Loans and Borrowings 163,359 183,421 Deferred Capital Funds 3,128,253 3,186,424 3,413,673 3,496,780 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accruals 2,359,868 2,275,941 Amount due to a Joint Venture 69 416 Employee Benefit Accruals 681,133 657,623 Loans and Borrowings 224,658 124,898 Deferred Income 830,860 771,149 4,096,588 3,830,027 Total Liabilities 7,510,261 7,326,807 Total Funds and Liabilities 29,915,684 29,845,677 Net Current Assets 6,051,771 3,807,327 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 25,819,096 26,015,650 50 51