The Review 2015
45 STUDENTs* Student Admission (New Intakes) Academic Level Male Female All % International (Based on Nationality) 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 Undergraduate 1,863 1,974 2,197 2,344 4,060 4,318 24.4% 23.7% Taught Postgraduate 2,127 2,148 2,800 2,741 4,927 4,889 48.6% 48.6% Research Postgraduate 380 374 370 317 750 691 71.2% 76.1% All New Intakes 4,370 4,496 5,367 5,402 9,737 9,898 40.3% 39.7% Enrollment of Students on All Programmes Faculty Undergraduate Taught Postgraduate Research Postgraduate All Levels 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 Architecture 608 680 611 616 127 132 1,346 1,428 Arts 1,742 1,847 494 488 231 249 2,467 2,584 Business and Economics 2,836 2,948 1,617 1,396 84 83 4,537 4,427 Dentistry 321 323 92 96 84 88 497 507 Education 903 939 1,515 1,640 231 225 2,649 2,804 Engineering 1,971 2,058 1,611 1,535 574 572 4,156 4,165 Law 703 717 921 870 86 82 1,710 1,669 Medicine 2,936 3,015 676 705 712 720 4,324 4,440 Science 2,129 2,211 335 341 558 545 3,022 3,097 Social Sciences 1,411 1,449 1,042 1,080 279 283 2,732 2,812 All Faculties 15,560 16,187 8,914 8,767 2,966 2,979 27,440 27,933 In % Distribution 56.7% 57.9% 32.5% 31.4% 10.8% 10.7% 100% 100% Enrollment of International Students (Based on Nationality) Country Undergraduate Taught Postgraduate Research Postgraduate All Levels 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 Headcount Mainland China 1,884 1,936 2,705 2,577 1,681 1,725 6,270 6,238 Other Asian Countries 926 993 357 354 165 173 1,448 1,520 Australia and New Zealand 173 183 80 95 13 15 266 293 European Countries 420 377 342 372 113 130 875 879 North American Countries 308 337 300 290 74 83 682 710 Others (e.g. Central and South America, African Countries) 16 18 30 31 26 24 72 73 All Countries 3,727 3,844 3,814 3,719 2,072 2,150 9,613 9,713 % Mainland China 50.6% 50.4% 70.9% 69.3% 81.1% 80.2% 65.2% 64.2% Other Asian Countries 24.8% 25.8% 9.4% 9.5% 8.0% 8.0% 15.1% 15.6% Australia and New Zealand 4.6% 4.8% 2.1% 2.6% 0.6% 0.7% 2.8% 3.0% European Countries 11.3% 9.8% 9.0% 10.0% 5.5% 6.0% 9.1% 9.0% North American Countries 8.3% 8.8% 7.9% 7.8% 3.6% 3.9% 7.1% 7.3% Others (e.g. Central and South America, African Countries) 0.4% 0.5% 0.8% 0.8% 1.3% 1.1% 0.7% 0.8% All Countries 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% * All student statistics shown above include students on UGC-funded, self-funded as well as outreach programmes. Exchange-in and visiting students are excluded. The University Profile HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) Enrollment of Student in Local Programmes Run by HKU SPACE in 2014 / 2015: 76,928 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 Programme Postgraduate Programmes Degree Programmes (Including Full-time Degree Programmes) Sub-degree Programmes General / Short Courses (Including Non-award Bearing Professional Courses) Community College Programmes (Full-time Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Programmes) 4,588 12,250 30,448 21,670 7,972 Headcount Enrolled The Review 2015 Enrollment of Students on Programmes Run in Mainland China by HKU SPACE in 2014 / 2015 3,862
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