The Review 2015
With all that groundwork laid, it is now time to carry our achievements forward. In 2015, two exercises helped us to identify our strengths and our goals. A detailed reflection of our teaching and assessment processes was undertaken in preparation for an audit by the Quality Assurance Council in late 2015, which has given us a complete picture of teaching and learning in all corners of the University. We also completed our triennial Academic Development Proposal (ADP) for the UGC, covering 2016–19, and used it to announce three strategic themes that will extend to all areas of the University’s work: internationalisation, innovation and impact. We have set goals under each theme and one of the most ambitious and talked-about is to offer 50 per cent of undergraduate students learning opportunities in both Mainland China and overseas by 2019, and 100 per cent by 2022. This unique initiative aims to broaden students’ global and cultural perspectives, and deepen their understanding of China. We also plan to devote more effort and resources to support entrepreneurial activities by students (and staff), and to further embed social responsibility into our curriculum. Taken together, our curriculum can be seen as the vehicle and the ADP the path that will steer our students towards our ultimate mission of developing globally- minded citizens, innovators and leaders, who will make a positive impact in the world and contribute to social progress. Teaching Excellence Honoured Dr Michael Botelho of the Faculty of Dentistry is the most recent HKU recipient of the prestigious University Grants Council Teaching Award. This is the fourth time an HKU teacher has been honoured since the award was launched in 2011. The University also recognises quality teaching internally through the annual Teaching Excellence Award Scheme. 9 consecutive years of full employment Æ 79.1% of graduates of full-time programmes employed while 18.8% pursued further study (for 2014, the most recent figures available) 18 joint or double degrees with international partners Æ Doubling to 36 by 2019, including both postgraduate and undergraduate degrees. Examples of partners include Imperial College, Fudan University, King’s College London, University of British Columbia and University of Pennsylvania 13 : 1 applications for every undergraduate place Æ And 31 applications for every successful Mainland China applicant 100% of top-scoring students Æ All 12 students who scored 5** on HKDSE chose HKU 20% non-local, high-quality intake Æ Including 22 zhuang-yuan (top-scoring) students from Mainland China; 9 students scoring full 45 marks in the IB; and 17 students scoring 5 A* or better in GCE ‘A’ Levels Æ 595 non-local students in total admitted, representing 24 nationalities The Year in Brief – Teaching and Learning 50%- > 100% target for opportunities outside Hong Kong Æ 50% of undergraduates to have opportunity for learning experiences in both Mainland China and overseas by 2019, rising to 100% by 2022 Æ Similar targets set for research postgraduate students in either setting 13 The Review 2015
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