The Review 2014

The University Profile THE REVIEW 2014 ⎜ 43 LIBRARIES RESOURCES 2013 / 2014 Student Learning Support Resources / Services Type Number Total Library Seats 3,153 Group Discussion Rooms 47 Single Study Rooms for Postgraduate Students Main Library 13 Medical Library 11 Single Study Carrels for Postgraduate Students Main Library 29 Law Library 38 Medical Library 8 24 Hours Single Study Carrels for All 44 Computer Workstations 420 Fixed / Wireless Network Access Points 476 Postgraduate Library Workshop 114 workshops Information and Referral Service 93,911 Reference Transactions COMPUTING AND NETWORK RESOURCES Type of Resources Number Number of Wired Network Access Points 47,795 Number of Wireless Network Access Points 3,976 Total Bandwidth for Direct Connection to the Internet and Research / Education Networks 14,300 (inMbps) Aggregated Central Computing Power for Teaching and Research Purposes (Theoretical Peak Computing Speed) 46,889 (in GFLOPS) Number of Bound Volumes in Main and Specialist Libraries: 2,990,381 Medical Library 229,776 Law Library 136,678 General Library 1,405,900 Fung Ping Shan Library 1,056,074 Education Library 65,459 Dental Library 59,108 Music Library 37,386 Main Libraries' E-resources Computer Files 39,235 E-books 3,532,778 E-journals (Subscriptions) 112,893 E-journals (Titles) 85,912 Databases 869 Total Number of Registered Libraries Users 129,293 SPACE Distribution of Space by Categories Based on Total Gross Covered Floor Area (as of June 2014) Land Holdings Category Gross Covered % Floor Area (in sq. m) Academic Space 314,015 44.1% Central Libraries 45,205 6.3% Central Administration andMaintenance 30,179 4.2% Student and Staff Amenities 29,245 4.1% Sports Facilities 14,459 2.0% Student Halls of Residence and Staff Quarters 273,166 38.4% Others (Including HKUMuseum and HKU Press) 5,974 0.8% All Categories 712,243 100% HKU SPACE Gross Covered Floor Area (as of June 2014) 42,564 sq. m. Sites Lot Area (in Hectares) Hong Kong Island Main Campus 17.3 Medical Campus 4.1 Other Sites in Pokfulam 22.1 NewTerritories The Kadoorie Institute 9.6 All 53.1 Halls and Student Residences Number of Places Number Existing 6,500 Planned 1,751