The Review 2014

transfer in the University's mission. The TTO also runs the eight-week Entrepreneurship Academy, which provides workshops and networking opportunities for research staff and research postgraduate (RPG) students. In 2013-14, full attendance started being recorded in the transcripts of RPG students to reflect their skill development in this area. Community engagement through KE and impact will receive increasing attention in the coming years. This is a direction that not only keeps the University at the forefront of international developments, but also aligns with our mission to contribute to the advancement of society in Hong Kong, the region and the world. Budding Entrepreneur Gets Motivated Ivan Law Hoi-wang participated in the Entrepreneurship Academy twice before graduating with an MSc in E-Commerce and Internet Computing in 2014. He received not only training in the basics, such as accounting and marketing, but something more: inspiration. "I had joined other programmes for entrepreneurs but this one was the best. They brought in guest speakers who shared both their successes and failures, and they were really motivating. For me, the Entrepreneurship Academy was life-changing," he said. In fact, it spurred Ivan to set up a start-up with a classmate from his MSc to develop software that attempts to solve non- profit organisations' logistical issues. Venus Debuts at HKU Botticelli's painting of the goddess Venus came to HKU in the autumn of 2013 for an exhibition at the University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG). It proved to be not only a feast for the eyes, but a wonderful launch pad for KE activities. Guided tours and special texts were arranged on everything from Renaissance workshop culture to iconographic values. About 30,000 people visited the exhibition, including 38 school groups. This was the first time the Museum staged an event of this kind and in autumn 2014 it organised a second major exhibition featuring Picasso's ceramics. THE REVIEW 2014 ⎜ 33 Knowledge Exchange Faculty Knowledge Exchange Awards 2014 These awards recognise each Faculty's outstanding KE accomplishment that has had demonstrable economic, social or cultural impact to benefit the community, business / industry, or partner organisations. Ivan Law Hoi-wang Venus at UMAG (left) and a Picasso ceramic Architecture: Mapping Modern Architecture in Hong Kong A team led by Dr Cole Roskam helped to launch a local chapter of the international organisation Docomomo (Documentation and Conservation of the Modern Movement) to spotlight examples of architectural modernism in Hong Kong. Arts: LinguisticMinorities.HK: Connecting with the Communities Dr Lisa LS Lim set up a website to recognise the richness and diversity of Hong Kong’s linguistic environment and to give a voice to those communities that are often sidelined because of language barriers. Dentistry: Oral Health Promotion among Indonesian Domestic Workers and Their Employers Families Dr Gao Xiaoli and her team developed a large-scale project to help Indonesian domestic helpers (of whom there are 140,000 in HK) take care of their oral health. Education: A Meaningful Journey of Teaching and Learning of Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking Students: Towards Local, Regional and International Advancement Professor Tse Shek-kam and team (see ‘Language for All’, overleaf). Engineering: Knowledge Exchange of e-Learning Technology and Pedagogy in Hong Kong and Overseas Dr Wilton WT Fok mentored his students in developing iClass, a mobile platform which enables students to share knowledge immediately with their teachers and classmates, enabling simultaneous interaction across the whole class. Law: The Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC) Series Professor Anne SY Cheung and team set up the Community Legal Information Centre website series to provide free bilingual legal information for the lay person. It includes Youth CLIC, Senior CLIC and Family CLIC. Medicine: Life and Death Education through HKU Body Donation Programme A team led by Dr Chan Lap-ki has undergone a campaign, via HKU’s Body Donation Programme, to teach people how even after death they can contribute to society by donating their body for use in anatomy lessons by medical students. Science: Science and Art Crossover Project – Visualizing Science via Creative Lens and Interactive Art The general tendency to view science and art as two very different extremes prompted Dr Benny CH Ng and his team to start a programme to show youngsters how the two continually interconnect. Social Sciences: Promoting Ageing-in-Place for Elderly Tenants in Rental Housing Estates of Hong Kong Housing Society Dr Terry YS Lum and his team developed a project aimed at giving more elderly people the chance to stay in their own homes longer, rather than go into care. KE Award (Non-Faculty Unit) UMAG: Botticelli’s Venus at the University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU Led by Dr Florian Knothe, with team member Dr Opher Mansour (see facing page). '