The Review 2013

THE REVIEW 2013 ⎜ The Vice-Chancellor's Message the rest of the world. Competition to gain a place at our institution is keen. The University has not only set up scholarships to reward the top achievers, but also those who are in need of financial support. After launching the First-in-the-Family Education Fund in 2008, we have just completed a highly successful One-to-Five matching scheme campaign this year. With support from over 4,000 donors, we have raised another $160 million and established more than 50 new scholarship programmes. Our expansion in so many areas also includes our physical development. The autumn of 2012 saw the opening of the expanded campus (the Centennial Campus) to welcome an additional cohort of students, and we also started a five-year rejuvenation project to regroup scattered faculty offices under one home and upgrade existing facilities. Earlier this year, we completed the last of four new residential colleges, which offer accommodation and learning facilities for 1,800 senior-year and non-local students. All these new facilities were designed to achieve the University's education aims, from promoting student self- learning, to servicing the community and nurturing global citizenship. Over the past 11 years, I have admired the brilliant work of our academics, from award-winning publications to life-saving discoveries; I have seen our students excel in everything from volunteering to help the needy in developing countries to triumphing in international competitions; I have seen our graduates and alumni make contributions locally, regionally and internationally. It has been a great honour to stand behind so many accomplished people. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all members of the University Family, a concept introduced in our strategic planning in 2003 which recognises that the people associated with HKU -our academic and administrative staff, students, alumni, donors and other community supporters - are the bedrock of our success. We must also acknowledge our international partners. HKU has formal partnerships with a number of world-class universities and exchange agreements with more than 270 institutions in 33 countries. This is my last report as HKU's Vice-Chancellor and I look forward to reading about the achievements of our University Family in future. There are many great things to come for this University. I am very proud to have been associated with HKU! The University of Hong Kong ⎜ 7 Professor Lap-Chee Tsui Vice-Chancellor and President December 2013 Our academic and administrative staff, students, alumni, donors and other community supporters are the bedrock of our success