The Review 2008
50 51 Regular Degree Programmes UGC and Mixed-funded Programmes Student Admissions Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate Undergraduate Professional and Continuing Education Programmes Self-financed and Out-reach Programmes Student Admissions Taught Postgraduate Undergraduate Teaching and Learning The University Profile Self-financed Programmes Offered by the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education Programme Student Admissions by Headcount 2006-07 2007-08 Postgraduate 5,536 6,422 Degree (including full-time programmes) 31,148 29,079 Sub-degree 37,478 37,983 General / Shor t Courses 28,632 27,550 Community College (full-time associate degrees and higher diplomas) 6,151 6,538 All Programmes (local) 108,945 107,572 Mainland China Programmes 3,046 2,782 Number of Programmes Level Number 2006-07 2007-08 Research Postgraduate 199 204 Taught Postgraduate 40 24 Undergraduate 47 46 All Levels 286 274 (Note: The number of programmes l isted above include where applicable, programmes offered in the full-time and part-time modes which are counted as separate programmes.The counting of research postgraduate programmes is based on the disciplines/departments in which such programmes are offered.) 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 0 20 40 60 80 100% Admissions – Local Students Admissions – Non-local Students Number of Programmes Level Number 2006-07 2007-08 Taught Postgraduate 128 140 Undergraduate 13 12 All Levels 141 152 (Note: Programmes offered both in full- and part-time modes are counted as separate for each mode.) 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 0 20 40 60 80 100% Admissions – Local Students Admissions – Non-local Students Students (incl. UGC, mixed-funded, self-financed and out-reach programmes) 2007-08 Undergraduate Students by Faculty Faculty Number Architecture 342 Ar ts 1,362 Business and Economics 2,819 Dentistry 258 Education 584 Engineering 1,525 Law 481 Medicine 1,984 Science 1,560 Social Sciences 1,116 All 12,031 2007-08 Postgraduate Students by Faculty Faculty Number Architecture 697 Ar ts 645 Business and Economics 1,468 Dentistry 185 Education 1,768 Engineering 1,364 Law 717 Medicine 999 Science 672 Social Sciences 1,296 All 9,811 Research Research Funding Received by Fund Source 2006-07 2007-08 Block Grant from University Grants Committee Research Grants Council / University Grants Committee ~ General Research Fund (formerly known as Competitive Earmarked Research Grants) Research Grants Council / University Grants Committee ~ Others Research Grants Council Direct Allocation Other External Sources (Including Government, Private, Industry) University of Hong Kong Foundation Allocation Income from Research-Related Endowment Funds Graduates From Regular Degree Programmes including UGC and Mixed-funded Programmes Discipline Research Taught Postgraduate Undergraduate All Postgraduate Postgraduate Masters Diploma / Certificate Architecture 31 20 101 88 - - 115 107 247 215 Ar ts 57 50 - 1 - - 483 447 540 498 Business and Economics 14 16 - - - - 429 526 443 542 Dentistry 8 8 4 1 - - 47 45 59 54 Education 21 19 21 13 414 480 145 125 601 637 Engineering 106 104 10 2 4 5 404 397 524 508 Law 3 5 19 16 128 126 10 86 160 233 Medicine 78 151 9 10 - - 318 320 405 481 Science 117 140 6 - - - 456 440 579 580 Social Sciences 50 54 39 35 1 - 264 274 354 363 All Disciplines 485 567 209 166 547 611 2,671 2,767 3,912 4,111 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 The Review 2008
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