The Review 2007

17 In our pursuit of new knowledge, we recognise that we must put our findings to meaningful uses and disseminate them to students and broader society. T oday more than ever, research matters. The creation and application of new knowledge that propels societies forward and transforms lives and culture has taken on special significance in the 21st century, where new challenges and opportunities are emerging at a rapid pace. As a comprehensive university, The University of Hong Kong is able to support a diverse range of research interests, carried out by scholars who stand up to the highest international standards of academic excellence. In 2006-07 they published more than 4,700 papers in refereed publications, and 80 of our scientists were ranked among the top one per cent in their fields globally by the Institute for Scientific Information. The quality of our work enables us to attract more research funding than any other university in Hong Kong. In 2006-07 we received $146 million under the Competitive Earmarked Research Grants and $33.5 million from the Innovation and Technology Fund. In our pursuit of new knowledge, we recognise that we must put our findings to meaningful uses and disseminate them to students and broader society. We are using our expertise to advance technology and policy in many areas, as you will read in these pages. We are also increasingly stressing the importance of research in undergraduate education.Whether our undergraduates become research academics or professionals in their fields, the skills and knowledge they gain from conducting research will be useful throughout their lives. The knowledge horizon is expanding and even the greenest members of our campus can be part of it. 16 Sinopix Photo Agency