The Review 2005
T HE R E V I EW 2 0 0 5 It is very satisfying for me, as Vice-Chancellor, that these co-operative activities are able to flourish on our campus. They bring enormous benefits to both sides. We are able to strengthen our capacity, as scholars, students and institution, while our partners are able to tap into our expertise and enthusiasm. Partnerships are also important for our future development. The University is planning a significant expansion in student numbers by 2012. We will, of course, seek community support for this expansion. At the same time, we are keen to harness all our energy and emphasis on quality to ensure standards remain high and advance even further, to guarantee that we continue to be an important asset to the Hong Kong community. Partnership is at the heart of a university’s work. As you will read in the following pages, an astonishing range of partnerships has been formed at The University of Hong Kong. Scholars from different academic disciplines are collaborating in groundbreaking areas of research here on campus. They are also developing extensive links with experts in other institutions and overseas. Students are being encouraged to learn collaborative skills through their work in the classroom and the field, and contact with people from different cultures. The University itself, as a tertiary institution, has a long history of working with and for the community, a tradition that is continually refreshed through our academic and community outreach work. We have the building blocks for success. Our standards of excellence enable us to attract many top students, teachers and researchers. In2004-05our locally recruitedstudents continued to have the highest A-level scores among those entering Hong Kong universities. Our researchers also continued to secure the largest share of awards in the Competitive Earmarked Research Grants Exercise, and even increased that share over previous years. Recognition of our research capabilities came from the central government, which designated a State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Faculty of Medicine and a multi-disciplinary State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences involving several faculties. These are the only State Key Laboratories outside the Mainland. the Vice-Chancellor A Message from
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