The Review 2002
The Review 2002 Research 5 The Review 2002 Vice-Chancellor’s Message 4 improvement . But improvement must be undertaken within a framework – a vision. This vision was best defined by the new Chairman of the University Council, Dr Victor Fung, who wants The University of Hong Kong to become one of the top universities in the world. A top university, he says, promotes internationalism. As described above, the University is heavily involved in pursuing that goal. Dr Fung says a top university also puts excellence first and maintains a special bond with the past. The emphasis on excellence already exists here. Exercises such as the review of teaching processes help us to identify strengths and weaknesses. We are now undertaking a review of governance and management to ensure everything f rom our v ision and mission statements to our daily administration serves our ends properly. The pursuit of excellence is also applied to everything from our buildings to our concerns about wider issues. The state-of- the-art Faculty of Medicine building opened in such as the Institut Pasteur of France and the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Centre of New York. Our interaction with the outside world is helping to attract a growing number of international visitors to the University, such as South African President Thabo Mbeki and financier and philanthropist George Soros, who both visited during the 2001– 02 academic year. The Uni versi ty, indeed, cul t i vates international ism on campus. By having an open door and encouraging student and academic exchanges and col laborat ions, we have been able to develop strong links with the outside world. We also have a special role to play as a top-qual i ty Engl ish-language university on China’s doorstep. The University provides a window from the outside world into China, and vice versa, and we are heavi ly engaged in solidifying that role. Interestingly, our first congregation outside Hong Kong was held in 2002. Of course, there is always room for 2002, prov iding high-qual i ty faci l i t ies. Environmental awareness is actively promoted in the University community and, in 2002, we prepared our first environmental report. As for the past, the University maintains special and on-going links with people and traditions from our past. Our 90th anniversary celebrations were completed in 2002 with events that showcased the outstanding achievements of our alumni, many of whom are leaders in Hong Kong society and elsewhere. Moreover, the traditions and experiences of the past help to inform decision-making at the University. We are now focused on enhancing the University’s many strengths – its position as a place which values academic excellence, its international presence and reputation, and its reputat ion local ly as a place in which the students, staff and community can take pride. The Universi ty of Hong Kong is a f ine university which is prepared to become one of the world’s finest. To accomplish that, we wi l l need to exercise teamwork, an inter-discipl inary approach and good communication skills. Indeed, these are the same qual i t ies that we try to inst i l in our students. A successful university cannot afford to be an ivory tower. We must be active in the community and the rest of the world, and encourage our students to do the same. As Vice-Chancellor, my job is to work with my col leagues to ensure The University of Hong Kong remains a dynamic institution of excellence, one which will soon sit comfortably among the world’s best. Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Vice-Chancellor
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