HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 11 10 HKU ANNUAL REPORT 2022 During the Second World War, the Main Building’s Loke Yew Hall served as a hospital for soldiers and citizens. On February 23 this year, at the height of the fifth wave of the pandemic in Hong Kong, Loke Yew Hall was once again called into service, becoming a Community Vaccination Centre, with the ability of providing 2,000 BioNTech vaccine doses daily to citizens aged 12 or above, and priority was given to senior citizens. Reservations for vaccination could be made via the government’s COVID-19 vaccination booking system. The Centre was staffed by a team of volunteer doctors from HKU, and retired doctors and nurses, and operated until May 22. HKUMED 135TH ANNIVERSARY DENTISTRY 40TH ANNIVERSARY HKU LIBRARIES’ TWO ANNIVERSARIES The Faculty of Dentistry was established in 1982 as the first and only dental school in Hong Kong. In less than four decades, it has risen from humble beginnings to become one of the premier dental institutions globally. It was ranked the number one dental school in the world in the QS World University Rankings by Subject from 2016 to 2018 and remains ranked among the top 1% of dental schools in the world today. The HKU Libraries is celebrating the 110th anniversary of the Main Library and the 90th anniversary of the Fung Ping Shan Library with the theme ‘Engaging the Past, with the Future, for the Future, TOGETHER’. HKU’s original library facilities were first established in the Main Building in 1912, and the Fung Ping Shan Library was established in 1932 as the University’s Chinese library. MORE MILESTONES, MORE CELEBRATIONS HKU JABS FOR SOCIETY’S MOST VULNERABLE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR Founded as the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese in 1887, the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine now stands in the top 15 medical schools globally. As it reflects on its distinguished history of serving Hong Kong’s changing healthcare needs over the past 135 years, the Faculty is also launching ambitious goals for the future.