HKU Annual Report 2021

(Expressed in thousands of Hong Kong dollars) 2021 2020 Revenue Government Subventions 5,917,304 6,103,359 Tuition, Programmes and Other Fees 3,459,675 3,280,160 Donations and Benefactions 579,719 1,232,274 Auxiliary Services 345,805 394,497 Interest and Investment Gain 3,301,846 533,223 Other Income 1,044,264 970,626 14,648,613 12,514,139 Expenditure Teaching, Learning and Research Teaching and Research 7,389,199 7,141,147 Library 240,778 267,883 Central Computing Facilities 228,655 215,357 Other Academic Services 499,054 431,787 Institutional Support Management and General 536,966 581,370 Premises and Related Expenses 1,509,766 1,591,150 Student and General Education Services 586,118 587,901 Other Activities 260,380 275,137 11,250,916 11,091,732 Surplus for the Year before Share of Joint Ventures and Associates 3,397,697 1,422,407 Share of Surplus of Joint Ventures 19,796 12,462 Share of Deficit of Associates (186) (575) Surplus for the Year 3,417,307 1,434,294 Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) Items that may be recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Exchange Differences 12,483 (5,402) Share of Other Comprehensive Income / (Loss) of a Joint Venture 452 (1,907) Items that will not be recognised subsequently in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Re-measurement of Defined Benefit Retirement Scheme Assets 8,699 640 21,634 (6,669) Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 3,438,941 1,427,625 Attributable to: UGC Funds 389,803 231,618 Restricted Funds 735,050 (154,299) Other Funds 2,314,088 1,350,306 3,438,941 1,427,625 (Expressed in thousands of Hong Kong dollars) 2021 2020 Assets Non-Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment 8,936,554 7,868,885 Right-of-Use Assets 1,835,811 1,557,010 Intangible Assets 9,207 8,097 Interests in Associates 5,900 6,086 Interests in Joint Ventures 278,265 258,017 Financial Investments at Amortised Cost 1,885,183 1,584,582 Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 17,555,384 14,125,407 Loans Receivable and Assets Classified as Held for Sale 3,171 3,875 Accounts Receivable, Prepayments and Deposits 732,248 771,369 Defined Benefit Retirement Scheme Assets 20,231 11,841 31,261,954 26,195,169 Current Assets Financial Investments at Amortised Cost 521,254 510,097 Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 348,186 410,128 Loans Receivable and Assets Classified as Held for Sale 113,453 130,851 Inventories 2,226 3,383 Accounts Receivable, Prepayments and Deposits 1,255,074 1,157,237 Amount Due from a Joint Venture 19,710 19,242 Bank Deposits with Original Maturity over Three Months 6,629,463 7,590,758 Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,954,454 1,941,264 11,843,820 11,762,960 Total Assets 43,105,774 37,958,129 Funds UGC Funds 2,342,953 2,171,637 Restricted Funds 10,820,469 9,300,563 Other Funds 17,797,519 16,049,800 Total Funds 30,960,941 27,522,000 Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accruals 55,481 42,353 Employee Benefit Accruals 42,863 46,067 Loans and Borrowings 95,008 95,008 Lease Liabilities 141,149 169,475 Deferred Capital Funds 3,600,457 3,104,320 3,934,958 3,457,223 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accruals 3,643,459 3,122,117 Amount Due to a Joint Venture 2,040 2,047 Employee Benefit Accruals 888,419 819,686 Loans and Borrowings 67,200 77,550 Lease Liabilities 91,288 86,989 Deferred Income 3,517,469 2,870,517 8,209,875 6,978,906 Total Liabilities 12,144,833 10,436,129 Total Funds and Liabilities 43,105,774 37,958,129 Net Current Assets 3,633,945 4,784,054 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 34,895,899 30,979,223 For the year ended June 30, 2021 As at June 30, 2021 The University of Hong Kong Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income The University of Hong Kong Consolidated Statement of Financial Position HKU ANNUAL REPORT 2021 An Extract from the University’s Annual Accounts 2020-21 50 | 51