HKU Bulletin November 2021 (Vol. 23 No. 1)

Cover Story 2-3
Connecting the Dots 2-3
The ‘One Health’ Challenge 4-5
Disunity of Purpose 8-9
Chain Reactions 10-11
Research 12-13
A New Angle on Views 12-13
Vital Signs 14-15
Clicking with the Right People 16-17
Social Media and the Workplace 18-19
Simple Materials, Complex Outcomes 20-21
Leapin’ Lizards 22-23
The Appeal of Machine Justice 24-25
Teaching and Learning 26-27
Zooming across the World 26-27
Advanced and Affordable Care 28-29
Knowledge Exchange 30-31
Natural Life Lessons 30-31
Twitter Alert 32-33
Healing through the Arts 34-35
Using AI to Predict Trafficking Sentences 36-37
People 38-39
Digital Transformation 38-39
Books 40-41
Museums of Remembrance and Forgetting 40-41
Paintings from Myanmar’s Lost Transition 42-43
Arts and Culture 44-45
Art from All Angles 44-45
A Brief History of Art 46-47