HKU Bulletin February 2013 (Vol. 14 No. 2)

Cover Story Advancing China HKU is uniquely advantaged when it comes to studying the rapid changes underway in China. Politically, because Hong Kong has a separate legal and political system, we can freely observe and reflect on events and development in China. Academically, because we embrace East-West perspectives, our academics are encouraged to apply insights from around the world to issues in China and vice versa. And on a personal level, because our academics have easy and frequent access to the Mainland and some of them come from there, they have first- hand knowledge of the latest developments. These advantages are proving particularly fruitful in studying media, law and politics in China. In both areas, more and more voices are speaking up to call for change. Our scholars have been listening and their studies are helping China and the world to gain a deeper understanding of the ongoing evolution of this rising superpower. 07