HKU Bulletin September 2007 (Vol. 9 No. 1)

24 25 Professor Gerard A. Postiglione Professor, Faculty of Education P rofessor Postiglione’s research focuses on the social and cultural underpinnings of reform and development in China. He has been a consultant for projects of the Academy of Educational Development, the Asian Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank and the Ford Foundation. He has been invited to address China’s Education Commission, UNESCO and the American Council on Education, and has spoken on education reform in many countries around the world. Professor Postiglione has put enormous efforts into training China specialists at the University, and many of his former students are now working in leading academic institutions in China and the United States. In 2004 one of his PhD students, Dr Gregory Fairbrother, was awarded the University’s Li Ka Shing Prize for his doctoral dissertation, which examined the relationship between patriotism and critical thinking among Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese university students. In 2006 another student, Zhu Zhiyong, won a Fulbright Scholarship to the United States. Professor Lai Ching Lung Professor: Chair of Medicine and Hepatology P rofessor Lai Ching Lung is the Chair Professor of Medicine and Hepatology in the Department of Medicine. He is an outstanding researcher, having to his credit over 300 peer- reviewed papers, including four in the New England Journal of Medicine . He was co-author of the book Hepatitis B Virus , which rapidly required a second printing. He is among the top 8% of the most cited scientists, and his seminal paper on a new class of drugs for the treatment of hepatitis B has been quoted 828 times. Dr Man-Fung Yuen, one of Professor Lai’s students, remembers that his supervisory approach was highly effective. “Professor Lai is famous for requesting extra lectures, and then extra hours for his extra lectures. But we never fell asleep, only because we were flooded by his boundless energy! As for bedside teaching, his long ward rounds are traffic-blocking affairs, often with 20 to 30 students voluntarily following his rounds and hanging onto his every word. Every student knows how meticulous and fierce he can be. I used to feel so guilty at not knowing things that I should have known. Professor Lai’s stern retorts soon ensured that I would know these things for life!” Dr Yuen says it was not for nothing that Professor Lai was voted Best Teacher twice by students and is the proud possessor both of a University Teaching Fellowship and the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine’s Faculty Teaching Award. Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Awards