HKU Bulletin February 2004 (Vol. 5 No. 2)

18 RESEARCH AND TEACHING Outstanding Young Researcher Award Dr Yu Jietai Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics D r Yu’s area of interest is Affine Algebraic Geometry and Computational Algebra. This is an important and flourishing area of research. At one level, it involves purely mathematical problems such as the famous Jacobian Conjecture, but it also has a strong Computer Science component. Dr Yu has recently done some important work which has established him as a leading figure in this area. In particular, his recent resolution (with U. Umirbaev) of a long-standing crux in this field, the St rong Nagata Conjecture, has been welcomed as an important breakthrough by his colleagues and peers. Five years ago Dr Yu establ ished the very successful Combinator ial and Computat ional Algebra Research Programme at this Uni versi ty. Since i ts incept ion the programme has attracted distinguished mathematicians from all over the world. ath/ Dr Simon Zhao Xiaobin Associate Professor, Department of Geography D r Zhao formerly worked in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the State Planning Commission, and was involved in many national key and award-winning projects. He was a visiting fel low of MIT and of the Universi ty of Washington, and subsequently established three research institutions — the Cent re for China’s Urban and Regional Studies, the International Centre for China’s Development Studies in HKU, and an International Working Group funded by the Albany- based Urban China Research Network. Dr Zhao is an urban and regional specialist who focuses on China’s urban and regional development issues and geography of trade and finance. His works are largely policy-related and practically influential. He was influential in making the case for China’s current ‘Go West’ Development Strategy. His pioneer research on urban control resulted in a relaxation of the policy for controlling the development of large cities in China. More recently, his research on the implications of China’s accession to the WTO, the CEPA agreement, and the development of national financial centres, have aroused lively debate in China and foreshadowed policy changes in Hong Kong. Dr Zhao is a mul t i -discipl inary scholar and has publ ished widel y in geography, planning, economic, and business journals. Dr Zhao loves being a teacher and enjoys the company of his students. He also loves beer and golf. f/zhao.htm 19