Data from China shows how epidemics, alongside other human catastrophes, can be triggered by climate change.

Epidemics and
Climate Change

Microplastics in the ocean are a growing concern worldwide. Dr Christelle Not and her students are trying to quantify the problem in Hong Kong and raise awareness.

Floating in a Bed of

Plastic Waste

An HKU-led team of international climate change researchers calls for a new approach to managing the impact of climate change on species distribution.

The Planet’s Creatures Need a Better Response

HKU has renewed its long-standing commitment to sustainability by introducing a series of initiatives that will bring about meaningful

change on campus and will involve faculty, staff and students.


Plan of Action

Muddy Footprints

From victims to perpetrators, humans have often had a rocky relationship with the environment. In this issue, we report on HKU scholars who have taken a historical look at that relationship, and on research about human threats to animals and the seas. The University as a whole is also trying to set an example by addressing sustainability issues on campus.